Friday 23 January 2009

Photo tag

My friend Sandie sent me a photo challenge, the rules were:-
Go to where you store your photos on your computer.
Go to the SIXTH folder and pick the SIXTH photo.
Post that photo on your blog along with a SHORT story about it.
Tag SIX people and leave a comment on their blog or email them letting them know you chose them.

This is a photo I took of a mother and baby giraffe at Melbourne Zoo way back in 2002. We went there with my brother and his family who were down here on a visit from Queensland at the time........was that really 7 years ago!!! How time flies!

Here's my 6 people to pass the challenge on to -
1. Beth
2. Vicky
3. Ann
4. Trina
5. Erin
6. Spike

I hope you ladies will join in the fun and complete this challenge when you have time! It's been a fun challenge to do, thanks Sandie!


Shirley said...

How fun that is! Love your picture!

Sandie said...

Oh what a great photo Lyn. There is something about mother and baby animals isn't there? Paticularly giraffes. Thanks for joining in the challenge Lyn.

Luv Sandie

Virginia Killmore said...

Oooh I don't know if my pictures are that organized!

Ann said...

Oops! Somehow I missed this post! Sorry for the tag! :)