Monday 14 December 2009

Still here!

The last month has just flown by for me! I'll give you a bit of an update at the end of this post, but first here are some more lovely DAK's from some OSA and blogging friends from around the world.

First up is this lovely Asian card from Margo S, I love the rainbow background colours!

This one is from Cindy C, it's just sooo cute!

This beauty is from Lynn E., using one of my fave images and the background is gorgeous!

This faboulous creation is from Shirley R, I just love those beautiful violets!

Last, but not least is this beautiful dragonfly card from Beth U, the lattice border at the top is just perfect!

Thank you all my friends for your lovely cards and heartfelt messages, I do appreciate it very much right now.

Now for my update! I've had 2 Chemo treatments (cycles) so far, the side effects haven't been too bad but it's makes me very tired for 4 or 5 days afterwards. As I only have chemo every fortnight, I feel pretty good for the 2nd week.

I've had a bit of a set back however, the incision where they inserted my porta cath still hadn't healed over and I got an infection in it....I did tell the oncology nurses when I went for the 2nd treatment that I thought it was infected, but they looked at it and said it was just the way it was healing. A few days later it was red and swollen and painful so I went to my GP and he agreed with me that it looked infected and put me on antibiotics...and took a swab! Anyways, to cut a long story short the oncology doctor decided the porta cath had to come out, which they did later that day and tomorrow I have to have another one inserted in my left arm.......not happy about that as that's my dominant arm and I'll barely be able to dress myself let alone anything else for a few days. There is some good news though, my oncologist wants it to heal properly this time so I won't be having any more chemo until after the New Year! At least I can spend some quality time with my family over Christmas, thank goodness!

I have been plodding along making a few Christmas cards here and there, nothing special just quick and easy ones. I'll try and post them later on today, while I can still type!

If you managed to read all that, thanks again for continuing to leave such supportive comments on my blog, it means such a lot to have such wonderful friends in blogland! :)

Edit to add: You would not believe what happened this morning when I went to the hospital to get the new porta cath inserted! I had to go to the Day Oncology Unit first, then Radiology send someone across to take you to them for the procedure. So they take my obs, get me to change into a gown, check the wound from the other arm to see if it's healing OK.........then they tell me that the procedure has been cancelled because the idiots in Radiology didn't have a Porta Cath for me!!! It was re-booked for Thursday while I was there.......then I get a phone call from Radiology when I get home to say they've changed it again to Friday!! Pfft, I wish they'd get their act together....I was planning to go and visit my Dad on Friday, can't do that now and my arm will still be really sore if I go on the weekend. Can you guess that I'm really over having to wait around hospitals lately?


Shirley said...

The update was wonderful Lyn. You take care. I know it's hard to say to a nurse that you want the doctor to look, but so it. You are such a positive person that I know they would not feel slighted. So good to hear you have a little reprieve. Rest up and eat lots of good healthy foods before the next Tx. Who am I to give orders? Well I live so far away it's easy. LOLOLOL You take it easy. Love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

Lyn, I do appreciate your updates hun and think about you!! I really would LOVE to have your address as I've been wanting to send you a card and then realize I don't know your addy!! I'm glad that you're able to spend some time with your family and hopefully you can get to feeling recharged a bit!! Wishing you and your family a very blessed Season of wonderful times together!! BIG HUGS to you my friend!!

Track Potato Lady said...

Take good care. I am glad you will have a reprieve over the holidays. You are in our thoughts here in Longport, NJ USA. Take all good care, and Merry Christmas. I hope 2010 will be much better for you.
Janis M. Rothermel

Vicky said...

How lovely to hear from you Lyn, I keep checking your blog every morning, you`re always in my thoughts, & although I`m not the praying kind, just know that every day I`m sending positive thoughts your way, my friend. Have a great festive season, & may 2010 be a much better & heathier year for you & yours. Love from Vicky

B said...

Its nice to know that you have a reprive for now. You are in my thoughts! And glad that you're still able to get some you time in there! Lovely cards!

Anonymous said...

Lyn, I always say go with your gut feeling, you know if there is an infection etc. don't let them fob you off.
I know by experience you are the best judge of your body.
hang in there, and I wish you all the best healing vibes comming your way....

Kathi said...


Hang in there and trust your instincts. They're there for a reason.

Sorry that the hospital messed around with you. So very frustrating.

More {{((hugs))}}