I am so bad at remembering to do these things, or just running short on time to do them, my friend Sandie tagged me a while ago, then yesterday she also awarded me this Beautiful Blog Award!
Here are the rules-1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 6 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. If you can't pass it on to 6 just pass it on to as many or as few as you like!
Don't forget to check out Sandie's blog, she does the most amazing cards and is just the nicest person to know!
I know I have seen this same award on lots of other blogs that I read, so rather than double up I will just offer the award to anyone who visits my blog. So feel free to take it and pass it on!
OK onto the tagging, here are the questions -
8 Things I Look Forward To
My daughter's wedding next March.
Spending time with my family.
Sleeping In
My football team winning!
One day riding on The Ghan train from Adelaide through to Darwin
My grand-daughter's first birthday next month.
8 Things I did yesterday.
Spent way too much time blurfing and answering emails!
Put fresh sheets on my bed.
Started making a couple of cards....need to finish both.
Did some knitting for my grand-daughter.
Sorted through junk mail for recycling.
Cooked sausages and veg for dinner.
Watched a very funny DVD with my DH.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do.
Play a musical instrument - guitar or piano.
Have more time to craft.
See my football team win at least one more premiership in my lifetime - 1980 was the last time!
Get a tattoo if my football team does win another premiership! (It would be a tiger!)
Dance, I mean old time ballroom dancing.
Swim properly!
8 Things or Shows I've Watched Lately
The Hangover (hilarious!)
Prison Break (I wish they would put this on at a decent hour and stop taking it off!)
Grey's Anatomy
Two and a half men
The News
3 Acts of Murder
Thank God You're Here.
I know I'm supposed to tag 8 others, but my grand-daughter is just waking up and will be demanding her lunch, so if you're reading this consider yourself tagged!
8 Things I did yesterday.
Spent way too much time blurfing and answering emails!
Put fresh sheets on my bed.
Started making a couple of cards....need to finish both.
Did some knitting for my grand-daughter.
Sorted through junk mail for recycling.
Cooked sausages and veg for dinner.
Watched a very funny DVD with my DH.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do.
Play a musical instrument - guitar or piano.
Have more time to craft.
See my football team win at least one more premiership in my lifetime - 1980 was the last time!
Get a tattoo if my football team does win another premiership! (It would be a tiger!)
Dance, I mean old time ballroom dancing.
Swim properly!
8 Things or Shows I've Watched Lately
The Hangover (hilarious!)
Prison Break (I wish they would put this on at a decent hour and stop taking it off!)
Grey's Anatomy
Two and a half men
The News
3 Acts of Murder
Thank God You're Here.
I know I'm supposed to tag 8 others, but my grand-daughter is just waking up and will be demanding her lunch, so if you're reading this consider yourself tagged!

Gidday Lyn, loved reading your answers.
I cannot believe that little baby is going to be 1 next month.
Now that has gone fast.
How special will it be to celebrate her birthday.
Luv ya..........Sandie
You have a wide variety of wonderful personal attributes and loves.
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